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 "Just Pause"

- to be still

- to rest


Learning to just pause really is a lifestyle.


Life happens, and with that we usually experience some challenges.

Listen to your heart. 


Are you living in the time between chapters of your life?

Maybe you're readjusting to a new identity

after a loss, divorce or death.​

It's a time of redefining yourself.​

Step back ... look around .. and just pause.​


Perhaps it's time to rest and recover from that last chapter.

And maybe it's time to recreate your life.


Within this space, you'll discover:

+ the healing art of journaling.

+ techniques of naturally caring for yourself

+ various methods of reducing the stress within your life. 

+ how to grieve in a healthy way.

+ a path to recreate your life after loss

+ but mostly you'll discover HOPE!


This is also a place where you will hear stories of encouragement,

from many women who share messages that will inspire!


I hope you can stay awhile. 

I know that there’s something special here for you! 


















After 27 years of marriage, Linda experienced divorce.  And she lost everything. 

Long-distance parenting, and then long-distance care-giving during her dad's 15 year battle with cancer

led to a move back to her hometown in order to help her mom. 

Seven days before her move, her mom unexpectedly passed,

leaving Linda shocked but still needing to move as she'd purchased a home in that city.   

Life happens.


Having experienced several significant losses 

and major changes in her life,

Linda understands the emotional aspects of life transitions. 

She has learned how to create a life after loss.


Just pause - it's a lifestyle that Linda has developed.


We were never created to do life alone. 

Let's journey together!





Life Coach Certified with:

The John Maxwell Team

IWS Inc - Interpersonal Wellness Services 


fbook group:  Just Pause - It's a Lifestyle

Instagram:  coachlindavickers

fbook group:  Inspired by Her Story

YouTube Podcast:  Inspired by Her Story



Published author:

Just Pause...How to Reduce Stress when Life Happens

Contributing Author to #1 Best seller

The SHINE Principle:

The Special Needs Moms Path to Strength Hope and Happiness:  


Soon to be published:

"Just Pause to Grieve ... There Life After Loss"




Linda is available for:


Personal Coaching



"Just Pause to Grieve" - Creating Life After Loss 

"The Art of Collecting Memories"  (a collection of your personal stories)



- "Inspired Ink" Prophetic Journaling

"A Sentimental Journey"  (what to do with sentimental items)

"Just Pause - It's Time to Rest"  (learning how to reduce stress)



Topics include:

- just pause lifestyle

- reducing stress

- grief

-downsize life

-Creating a Life after loss









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My name is Linda Vickers
I'm a certified wellness coach.

I'm here to help you
create a life you love!


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