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 "Just Pause"

- to be still

- to rest

- to listen


Learning to just pause is a lifestyle.


Life happens, and with that we usually experience some challenges.


Are you living in the time between chapters of your life?

Or do you feel as though you're running in too many different directions?


Perhaps you're experiencing grief from some type of loss.


It may be time to just pause.​












Linda Vickers is a certified wellness coach. 

She helps resilient women

to reduce stress and regain health,

so they can find balance before burnout and create a life they can enjoy!


Although she's done the studies and educational work towards being certified as a wellness coach,

Linda has years of experience working with women in all stages of life.

Having personally experienced burnout and significant losses,

relocations and major changes in her life,

Linda understands the challenging aspects of life transitions.



Just pause - is a lifestyle that Linda has developed.​

We were never created to do life alone. 

Let's journey together!



To discover clarity in your life,

call Linda for your 

FREE 30 - minute strategy call.











Coach Certified:


The John Maxwell Team

IWS Inc - Interpersonal Wellness Services 



Published Author:


Amazon #1 Best Seller

"Just Pause to Grieve ... A Journey of Hope Through Loss & Recovery"​


Contributing Author to #1 Best Seller

"The SHINE Principle:

The Special Needs Moms Path to Strength Hope and Happiness"​​​​​​​​​​​

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